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Congresswoman Nancy Mace Announces Protecting Women’s Private Spaces Act

November 20, 2024

(WASHINGTON, D.C., November 19th, 2024) – After receiving overwhelming support from the American people and enduring the predictable performative outrage from the radical Left, Congresswoman Nancy Mace is taking further action to protect women. Today, she announced another new bill, the Protecting Women's Private Spaces Act, to ban biological men from using women’s private, protected facilities—such as bathrooms and locker rooms—on all federal property.

“The radical Left would rather call me an extremist than admit they are wrong. The radical Left says I’m a ‘threat.’ You better believe it. And I will shamelessly call you out for putting women and girls in harm’s way. Women fought for these spaces, and I will not let them be erased to score political points with a small but loud activist class,” said Rep. Nancy Mace.

While the woke mob predictably manufactures outrage, the vast majority of Americans recognize the importance of protecting women’s rights and privacy. Congresswoman Mace remains undeterred by the noise, focusing instead on the voices of women who demand common-sense solutions to this pressing issue.

“Women and girls shouldn’t have to give up their safety or privacy just because the Left wants to win points with their activist base,” Mace continued. “This isn’t controversial—it’s common sense. I’m going to continue defending women and girls from these harmful, out-of-touch, and straight up weird policies.”

“The vast majority of Americans accept the biological fact that men cannot be women and should not be allowed to invade women’s private spaces. The Left’s dangerous delusions and willingness to ignore reality have put countless women in harm’s way and created a dire need for the Protecting Women’s Private Spaces Act. Designated sex-specific facilities on federal property is the first step to recognizing and restoring truth in the country. While it’s unfortunate that legislation to accurately define sex and protect women’s spaces is necessary, Heritage Action applauds Rep. Mace for taking up this fight to defend safety, science, and common sense.” - Heritage Action. 

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